Floor grid
SICAMB main programmes as supplier with responsibility to provide full service to our customers from design, raw material procurement, manufacturing , treatment, assembly and customer support:
- AIRBUS A380 Floor grid
- AIRBUS A320/A321 Floor grid assy and component
- AIRBUS A330 P2F Floor grid structure and reinforcement

SICAMB main programmes as supplier with responsibility to provide full service to our customers from design, raw material procurement, manufacturing , treatment, assembly and customer support:
- AIRBUS A380F Main Deck Cargo Door, Upper Deck Cargo Door
- AIRBUS A330GMF Main Deck Cargo Door
- MRJ Passenger, Service and Baggage Doors
- FALCON 2000 Baggage and Rear Door

SICAMB main programmes as supplier with responsibility to provide full service to our customers from design, raw material procurement, manufacturing , treatment, assembly and customer support:
- ALENIA C27J Fully equipped and tested Outer Wings
- BOEING 787 Auxyliary Box e Leading Edge Assy

Thrust reverser
SICAMB main programmes as supplier with responsibility to provide full service to our customers from design, raw material procurement, manufacturing , treatment, assembly and customer support:
- F2000 AND F900 Thrust Reverser
- HAWKER 4000-900-850 Thrust Reverser
- CESSNA ENCORE Thrust Reverser

SICAMB main programmes as supplier with responsibility to provide full service to our customers from design, raw material procurement, manufacturing , treatment, assembly and customer support:
- EC 135 Fuselage subassies
- A109 Fuselage assy
- AIRBUS A321 Fuselage components
- AERMACCHI 339 Rear Fuselage, Flaps and Empennage